Postpartum massage is a process of touch and pressure using the fingers, palms and elbows according to techniques specific to the mother after childbirth guided by the knowledge and practice of traditional Malay massage inherited from generation to generation.
A person who is competent in postpartum massage is able to perform wellness massage, normal birth therapy massage, surgical birth therapy massage, crack massage and smooth milk flow massage based on the knowledge and practice of traditional Malay medicine inherited from generation to generation.
The result of this unit of competence is to restore the level of physical health and freshness as well as emotional stability. In addition to getting a healthy and beautiful body.
1.Evaluate requirements sequence of well-being massage
2.Establish suitable massage work area
3.Provide/ prepare equipment for massage
4.Perform a normal birth therapy massage
5.Perform surgical birth therapy massage 6.Perform smooth sequence in milk conduction
Course Outline:
HRD Corp will be introducing a service fee that will be imposed to HRD corp registered training providers starting from 1 February 2021 as stated in Training Provider Circular no.3/2021. In line with the implementation of the service fee, HRD corp has revising its terms and conditions for course registration.
As such, HRD Corp Claimable course registration process has been simplified to allow different type of courses to register.
The changes on the process are as follows:
- Training providers do not have to provide complete course content.
- The minimum requirement for trainer is 1 (one) trainer only. No minimum for e-learning (self-paced) course.
- The minimum total duration of the course is 4 hours.
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