1. Introduction to Food & Beverage
- Definition of Food
- Definition of Nutrition
- Functions of Food
- Type of Food
- Classification of Food Service Industry:
- Primary & Secondary Catering sectors
- Commercial & Welfare
- Non-captive market, Captive market & Semi-captive
- market
- Types Of Restaurants
- Types of menus
- What is Food Allergy
- What is an allergic reaction to food
- What is Anaphylaxis
- Common Food Allergies in Infants, Children & Adult
- Food Allergy vs Food Intolerance
- Diagnosing Food Allergy
- Preventing & Treating Food Allergy
- What is Food Preservation
- Causes of Deterioration
- Food Preservation Methods: Traditional and Modern
- Techniques
- Controls of Water and Structure
- Control of Atmosphere
- Food Handler:
- Health & Self hygiene
- Grooming
- Good & Bad practices
- Hand wash & sanitizer
- Kitchenware:
- Clean & in good condition
- Towel classification
- Washing Utensils
- Washing Practise
- Premise:
- Clean & Dirty premise
- Cleaning Tools
- Facilities
- Pest Control
- Waste Management
- Raw Food Handling:
- Category & Selection
- Storage
- Thawing Methods
- Bacterial Activity
- Danger Zone
- Cross Contamination
- Good & Bad Handling Practise
- Cooked Food Handling
- Food preparation & Serving
- Storage of Cooked Food
- Food Packaging
- Transportation
- Define Food Poisoning
- Types of Food Poisoning
- Bacteria, Viruses, Mould and Yeasts
- Factors causes food poisoning
- The Law and Legal Requirements
As such, HRD Corp Claimable Courses course registration process has been simplified to allow different type of courses to register. The changes on HRD Corp Claimable Courses process are as follows:
- Training providers do not have to provide complete course content.
- The minimum requirement for trainer is 1 (one) trainer only. No minimum for e-learning (self-paced) course.
- The minimum total duration of the course is 4 hours.
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